2020 A different perspective.

Diagram of where Dr. Venske will be putting his focus and attention in the 2021 year!   Custom made by Mike Bauer for KMHC.

Diagram of where Dr. Venske will be putting his focus and attention in the 2021 year! Custom made by Mike Bauer for KMHC.

Most people will look back on this past year as a terrible one, perhaps the worst they can remember. I certainly had some moments where I felt like things were pretty desperate. We learned a lot about our elected officials, our neighbors, and ourselves.

Amidst all the peripheral details riddled with fear and negativity came one truth that I hope to take with me the rest of my days on this planet. That truth is despite what is going on in the world around us, we have an ongoing freedom to choose what WE think and what WE feel. I felt myself starting to go along with the prevailing bleak attitude of most people I encountered, as though maybe it was inappropriate to be positive in such ‘unprecedented’ times. (By the way, if you think we’ve had it tough, consider that a person born in 1910 would have endured two World Wars, the Korean War, The Great Depression, The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, etc. by the time they were 50 years old)

But folks, that’s just not who I am.

We must remember that from every so called crisis comes opportunity. We must remember that most everything in the news and in our personal lives is transient and that negativity sells. Whether you are a spiritual person or not, the truth remains that we are mere specks in the enormity of space and time. One only need look outside and see the infinite wisdom of nature to be reminded of that.

I drew up a chart that represents where I am striving to put my focus and energy in the coming year (see image at the top of this post).

So, I hope and pray that 2021 is a year of healing, peace, and health for all of us. Please remember that there will always be adversity and from that, an opportunity to grow. If you are looking to the outside world to dictate your thoughts and feelings, you will most often experience undue stress and hardship. It will always be your choice!


I finally did it. Feb 2021 newsletter.


December 2020 Newsletter