Why Bother… Dr. Venske reflects on his career


Hey everyone!

Every once in awhile I pause and contemplate why I do what I do.I think everyone should take the time to ponder that occasionally. Taking that time away to be quiet and shut off all external inputs is part of an overall foundation to be whole and truly well. It’s part of the reason I’m taking a solo trip out West next month. As some of you know, later this summer I’ll be hitting 25 years as a chiropractor. I figured this would be as good a time as any to regroup and redefine why I’m here and what I’m supposed to be doing. Earlier this year, I did a three day ‘technology fast’. Aside from checking my phone once a day for important correspondences, I watched no TV, no radio, no laptop, etc. Among the things I noticed, was that time really slowed down. Truly amazing! I suggest you all try that from time to time. Otherwise most of us are vulnerable to suffer from what I call an ‘indigestion of life’. Symptoms include a perpetual uncertainty of what is motivating us moment to moment, and a lack of a deeper state of peace in our minds and our hearts. I think most of us, most of the time, live in a state of relatively superficial existence. As a result, sadly, we look outside ourselves for a state of fulfillment.

So, back to why I do what I do. Why bother working hard to be healthy? We’re all going to die anyway, right? For me personally, it all comes down to getting the most out of every day. To feel truly alive and present is a God given gift and that is how I believe we were meant to be each day. As my boy Jack LaLanne used to say, “Most people work at dying, I want to work at living!”
Here’s a fun interview of Jack from back a few decades ago.

In the spirit of regaining a greater sense of peace of mind, we are promoting an actual ‘chill pill’ this month. Stress Essentials Balance from Nutri Dyn is a great natural formula to help over-worked adrenal glands heal and to provide an often needed sense of calm in moments of high stress.

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For the month of May, take $5 off!

To a happy and healthy spring for all! 

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Richard Venske & KMHC Staff

262- 646-2123


Breath Deep….


Benefits of multidisciplinary approach to wellness at KMHC