Breath Deep….

This month I am writing to introduce you to a man who is truly one of a kind. It’s a rare person indeed who grabs my attention and inspires me like Wim Hof. He has been a groundbreaking individual not only in the world of health and fitness but also puts forth a philosophy of living life that is truly infectious. Below are a couple of links to videos featuring Wim Hof, please watch to learn more.

The aspect of his teachings that I would like to focus on is the breathing technique which he has developed. First let me say something about breathing in general. I would say that it is one of the most overlooked, under appreciated means by which a person can enhance their well-being. Most people breathe in a shallow fashion that can promote a state of lethargy or, in some cases, anxiety. Take some time each day to check in with your breathing. And when you do, make sure to take some deep, slow breaths. It’s good medicine, and last I checked, it’s still free!

I’ve been struggling to find the best way to present this breathing technique to all of you. I’ll start first by saying you just have to try it to see what I’m talking about. Having said that, plan on doing it for several weeks before you really get the hang of it. So, what does it do? The best way I can describe it is that when you are done with a five to six minute session you will likely feel very refreshed and energized, but also relaxed. This feeling tends to last me for many hours after I’m done. Mr. Hof has put much of his work and his claims up to scientific scrutiny and found truly amazing results. His techniques have proven to activate parts of the brain scientists had before thought to be inaccessible. In addition there is evidence that body-wide inflammation can also be curbed by doing this technique regularly. Here is a guided video to help get you started. There are other YouTube videos you can use to help guide you once you get a little more advanced.

I start each morning with a few rounds and then try to do several more throughout the day. I can say without a doubt, it has improved the quality of my life in a profound way. If you do try it, please remember to be seated or lying down, as there is a possibility of light headedness occurring, especially when you’re just getting started.

Lastly, a warm welcome to our new neighbors, Amplifi Yoga. They offer yoga, barre, and infrared sauna. Plus, they seem like really cool people! Click here to view their website

Yours in Good Health,

Dr. Richard Venske & KMHC Staff

262- 646-2123


With gratitude …


Why Bother… Dr. Venske reflects on his career