

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had an amazing summer so far! As we move into September, all of us, but especially those of us who have kids still at home, see lots of changes happening. My son Jackson heads back to college today. We had a great road trip last week, culminating with the two of us playing tennis in five different states during the same day!

Oftentimes changes come upon us abruptly, without warning. In those instances, we can interpret them negatively and get stressed about them.

OK Rich, what does this have to with health??

Here’s the link. When we interpret things negatively and get stressed, our body will produce hormones in response to our reaction. Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor who specializes in mind-body medicine. He once said that every cell in our body can ‘hear’ every thought we have. The science behind this statement is abundant. Watch the video below to learn from Dr. Deepak Chopra on Tips for Managing Stress and his most recent book, “The Healing Self: A Revolutionary New Plan to Supercharge Your Immunity and Stay Well for Life.”

So the next time some event in your life blindsides you, simply realize that you have a choice in how you react and respond to it. If you choose to recognize that most events in our lives are very temporary, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, “How do I want to feel about this?” The sum total of your efforts will lead to a happier, more peaceful state of mind. This, in turn, will create a body that functions at a much better and healthier level. It takes awareness and lots of practice but anyone can do it!

On a separate note, this month we are promoting our wonderful light therapy machine. We have had great success helping people with a myriad of health problems, including tendinitis, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscular issues. Click on this video to learn a little about how it works!


Miracles Come In All Shapes and Sizes

